La Ilaha Illa Allah in Kufic Script


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The words of the Kalimah are among the first words whispered into the ears of a Muslim child, moments after birth. They are also the first words uttered by anyone entering into the fold of Islam, words that will profoundly impact the course of his and her life’s direction from that moment onwards. For in this simple phrase lies the journey of spiritual discovery, a journey towards Allah.

The words “there is no god but Allah” comprises a simple negation, “no god,” and a powerful affirmation, “only God (Allah), thereafter followed by “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

It is through this simple articulation that an untold number of minds and hearts have been spawned and Muslims were able to cross the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, enter the gates of China, and even land on the coasts of Africa.

These words are written in the majestic Kufic script with thick, angular lines.

This artwork is a must for any modern decor setup. It subtly and seamlessly transforms any mundane space into a SACRED one by showcasing the four most important words in a believer’s life—all in a simple, modern, and fashionable way!

Additional information


XS – 15cm x 10cm, S – 30cm x 21cm, M – 60cm x 42cm, L – 90cm x 63cm, XL – 120cm x 84cm




Gloss, Matte


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